Case Study: Full-Spectrum UX Work in Myanmar Working as a “UX Team of One” to help a struggling university consolidate multiple sites and products Sometimes you have to do it all: UX Research, Design, Content Strategy, Information Architecture, and...
Writing Analyst and Lead WriterInflection Point is the most comprehensive investigation ever done into the size, influence, technological sophistication and business profitability of digital natives in Latin America. The report drew on a research team working in five...
So before you ask, here’s the answer to the very first question I’m always asked when the subject of voiceovers comes up: No, I’m not directly related to the famous Don LaFontaine. It’s an uncommon name, though, and my relatives on that side of...
Case Study: How UX Research Drove a Marketing Pivot Building a site to overcome the skepticism of high-net-worth individuals to cloud-based services When I started, the company didn’t even have a name yet … AssetShield was conceived when the...
Infographic: Catching online scammersThe infographic I designed below is quite large (1200x7700 pixels), so I’ve split it into content sections so it won’t completely clog pageload times. Each of the content section images is “Lightboxed”...